EDIS / Concert Visual Design

Concert Visual Design
We are now embarking on a journey of finding ourselves, making new decisions, and exploring new directions with Edis.

Taking inspiration from the ironic phrase "NOSCE TE IPSUM," which is inscribed at the entrance of the Delphi Temple and still guides many philosophical teachings today, we have shaped our visual art.

We took Edis and the audience on a journey towards Ancient Greece, reminiscent of the amphitheatres of the Hellenistic period, at the Cemil Topuzlu Open-Air Theatre. We synthesized our stage show, which was inspired by Ancient Greek myths, with contemporary visual trends and forms.

Throughout this journey, we drew inspiration from the stars, planets, and gods. Edis, at the Cemil Topuzlu Open-Air Theatre, we are now entering a journey of finding and knowing ourselves.

Video art / Visual Art Direction
Sude Belkıs, Yasin Aribuga

Creative Director
Olga Toraman

3D Artists
Poyraz Sayan, Utku Namlıses, Poyraz Sayan, Jojo Cocktail, Yasin Arıbuğa

Motion Designer
Batu Akyıldız

Hypers New Media


216 - 34714