GQ Men of The Year 2022

3D Video, Graphic Design
Beyond the notion of being human, our aim was to foster a dialogue about relinquishing the superiority complex we have and embracing our role simply as humans in nature. This was achieved by focusing on the theme of envisioning the "transhuman” and emphasizing a collective understanding of existence.

We facilitated exclusive photoshoots and created 3D environments for each winner of GQ Turkey’s Men of the Year 2022 Awards. All winners were celebrated through a 3D video presentation at the awards ceremony.

At #GQMOTY2022, we sought to explore how we can collectively free ourselves from ego and remind each other of our true place in the world.

Emirhan Paralı, Most Stylish Man of the Year, 2022
Merve Dizdar, Woman of the Year, 2022
Amadeus, Outstanding Achievement of the Year, 2022
Berk Oktay, Face of the Year, 2022
Çağlar Çorumlu, Comedy Actor of the Year, 2022
Giovanni Guidetti, Equality Award, 2022
Kenan Doğulu, Icon of the Year, 2022
Merve Tuncel, Athlete of the Year, 2022
Sefo, Hype of the Year, 2022
Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Actor of the Year, 2022

GQ Türkiye Moty Launch

Digital Concept & Direction: Afterwork, Sude Belkıs, Yasin Arıbuğa
3D Artists:Ilgın Sacan, Jojo Cocktail, Toprak Fırat, Yasin Arıbuğa
Director: Cemre Okyay
Publishing Coordinator & Creative Director: Derya Gürsel, 
Director of Photography: Arınç Arısoy
Photography: Erdi Doğan
Fashion Director: Anıl Can
Project Art Director: Eren Gedik
Graphic Designer: Burak İncekara
Edit & Color: İpek Kadri, Emre Karagöz
Music & Sound Design: Audio Kollektiv
Voice Over Artist: Tod Ashley
Managing Editor: Lara Akyel
Art Director: Elif Alım
Digital director: lper Etiş
Project Supervisor: Enda Şengünler

Project Specialist: Neslişah Helvacı
Assistant to Editor-in-Chief: Eren Özlü
Camera Matchmoving: Alican SaygınFocus Puller : Aşkın Güzelgül
Steadicam operator: Yusuf Belli
Post supervisor: Ertuğ Öztürk, The Post Brothers
2nd camera assistant: Murat Çağlıyan
3rd camera assistant: Egecan Çakar
DIT: Kenan Çekiç
Gaffer: Serdar Türkoğlu
Steadicam Asistanı: Emir Tunahan Bek
Assistant: Kerem Albuyur, Verem Albuyur
Fashion Director Assistant: Bekir Demiray, Özlem Mine Türe
Hair Design: Mustafa Akgül
Hair Design Assistant: Mehmet İyi,Ömer Delibaş
Makeup Design Assistant: Simge Üstün Çelenk, Helin Özbekü
We created three main worlds: Underground, Surface and Sky
And inner worlds representing the personality of each winner.


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